Photo by malcolm garret from Pexels
I know it is a scary time to be outside, but it is a necessary thing when getting ESSENTIAL items (y’all better be staying y’all selves inside if not mhmkay). It is best to make these trips into stores as efficient and safe as possible. Here are the best tips for the next time you need to go grocery shopping during COVID-19.
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Make A List, Check It Twice
It is not safe to enter these stores with no plan in mind. You can’t peruse the aisles of Target with no idea of what you may be getting. Before you make that trip to the store, write out a list of all the things you need. Check in with the other people in your home as well and see if they need anything specific too. Once you enter the stores you know exactly what you are getting and will be in and out in no time!
Here’s an example of my family’s weekly shopping list.
Grains | Vegetables | Fruit | Dairy | Protein & Beans |
Bread | Spinach | Cuties | Almond Milk | Lamb Chops |
Rotini | Broccoli | Bananas | Silk Creamer | Tofu |
Bagels | Onion | Apples | Cream Cheese | Black Beans |
Rice | Asparagus | Pineapple | Swiss Cheese | Chicken Breast |
(throw in some snacks and sweets and this is actually my shopping list lol)
Wear A Mask
Now when Ms. Rona first came around, it was suggested by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that masks wouldn’t be really useful for you unless you are sick or caring for a sick person. But last Friday, the CDC said that people wearing masks may be beneficial.
It’s less about protecting yourself and more about protecting your neighbor. You may have COVID-19, be asymptomatic, and may have unknowingly spread the virus while grocery shopping. It does have the potential to protect you as well, in the case someone sneezes or coughs on you or in your vicinity.
With the shortage of masks needed for healthcare workers, many people have taken to creating their own masks. Down below is a video example of creating your own mask out of a bandana! Make sure the mask is fitting closely to your face and do not touch it once it has been worn out! Make sure once you’re done, take it off and wash it! Don’t put it in your purse, don’t just leave it on a counter, that’s just contaminating everything!
Disinfectant Wipes
I know these are scarce but if you can, bring these to wipe down the carts as you are shopping. Thankfully many stores provide these in the front before you grab a cart but just in case brig your own! If you have no access to any disinfectant wipes, you can always make your own following these steps from One Essential Community.
Social Distancing
I will repeat it as many times that I have to, STOP BREATHING ON PEOPLE’S NECKS. Keep those distances while you are shopping around. If you feel like you are too close you probably are. Social distancing was put in to place to help stop the spread, so please take a step back or 3.
Avoid Crowded Spaces
This does tie in with social distancing, as if you see the pasta aisle is a little packed, it would be best for you to just wait at a distance once the aisle clears up. But if you absolutely need that Rotini, please be in and out as quickly as possible.
Don’t Touch What You Are Not Buying
Again, this goes into the unnecessary spreading of germs. If it’s not on the list or something you’re 100% sure about, don’t possibly put yourself or others at risk for something you aren’t going to get.
You Don’t Need Gloves!
Unless you are washing your gloves after every time you touch something, it’s honestly just a waste of resources. Your gloves are getting just as contaminated as your hands would be. If gloves are an absolute must for your shopping trips, please dispose of them properly, meaning keep them away from the parking lot’s floor or your purse.
Do Not Touch Your Phone
This is something I have a habit of doing. While I’m out and about I’m always reaching for my phone, responding to a text or something of the sort and answering calls. This is only furthering the spread of germs. From your hand to your phone, from your phone to your face and well you get the picture. Try to keep your phone on Do Not Disturb and in your purse or pocket while you are out doing essential tasks and only use if you NEED to.
Use Self Checkout and Apply Pay/Google Wallet if Available
This is just another practice that can prevent the spread by limiting your human interactions. Touching your phone should only be a thing when it’s a necessity, like in this case. Using your phone instead of your card is more effective when wanting to not spread as many germs. You don’t have to search and reach for your wallet and touch things unnecessarily! If mobile payments are not an option for you, keep your card in a easy accessible place! And remember to wipe down that card too after use.
Use Hand Sanitizer Before Getting Into the Car
Once the groceries are safely in the car, take out your hand sanitizer (keep that in a easy accessible place too) and wipe your hands down. Then proceed to get in the car and going home. Be mindful to not touch your face during this time, you have not washed your hands yet!
Take Your Shoes Off At the Door and Don’t Sit Down in Your “Outside” Clothes
Now when you are bringing in your groceries, you have to be aware of the germs that have attached themselves to your clothing. To not track these germs all through your house, take you shoes right off as soon as you enter! And do not sit down on anything. Your clothes can be a carrier of outside germs and we wouldn’t want that on our couches right?
Sanitize Your Groceries
Before you put your groceries into the refrigerator or pantry, you need to wipe those down too. Not only have you touched them, but who knows the other people that have placed their germs on them as well. Take your disinfectant wipes and then place them wherever they belong.
Wipe Down Your Reusable Grocery Bags and Counter
Your bags and counters were JUST holding those germy groceries so they of course need to be sanitized as well for next use. You can use disinfectant wipes or a spray for easy cleaning!
Wash Those Hands!
I know you already know, but just in case, I had to let you know again. 20 seconds people! Make sure you’re getting all around the hand and under the fingernails. And moisturize after too because I know your hands are ashy after all that washing!
As you can see, the spreading of germs is literally that easy so please do your part in keeping yourself and others safe!
I hope these tips help you on your next grocery store trip during COVID-19. Let me know any tips I may have left out! How do you prepare for shopping during coronavirus?
Read how to keep your space cozy in quarantine with a few candles from some small businesses! Click here.
stay safe,
Aysia B.
Sam. J
Great write-up. Hopefully the people who wear gloves will stop touching their phones while wearing them, as I see everywhere!
Sam. JLol one can only hope!!
Great tips! thanks for sharing
EstherOf course!!
Lee Anne
Excellent, easy steps to follow. There are some good reminders in here that aren’t as obvious like not touching our phones.
Lee AnneRight I wasn’t even thinking about it till I saw someone else doing it lol!
For sure this exactly what everyone needs to do. Or we will never get back to life’s luxuries.
Good job. Easy read and helpful. Stay safe!
AlenaThank you! And I hope you stay safe too!
Mark Crone
Great tips and practical advice. My slight disagreement is – if plastic or paper store bags are available, they are a better choice than your reusable bags. Throw them in recycling when you have unpacked. Stay safe, and thanks for the reminders.
Mark CroneThank you and that’s deff a good point too! I think a few stores started giving plastic bags. You stay safe as well!
This is a great resource!! Grocery shopping is such a dreaded chore during the pandemic. I have a bag packed that sits by the door with all the personal protection supplies in it, so when I go somewhere I just grab the bag!
MICHELLE MOYEROooo that’s smart!
Alison Kelly
Thanks for this post! I am still looking for disinfectants for the counters and groceries. Having to make due with soap and water… Great tips!
Alison KellyYes I have never DIY’d so many cleaning supplies before lol!
Kelly Diane
Great post packed full of really useful tips
Kelly DianeThank you!
Lia World Traveler
Great tips and very timely. I hope people follow this advice.
Lia World TravelerI hope so too!
Love the make a list and check it twice! This is my biggest problem!
AshleyI definitely understand! I started making a list as soon as everyone started hoarding
Thank you for writing such a useful post! I’ll use this as my checklist when I go food shopping, I’d not even considered some of these things – thank you!
MaddieI’m so glad you found it helpful! You’re welcome!!
These are great tips! Over here in the UK the supermarkets have put 2mtre space markers on the floor so you don’t get too close and are only allowing a certain amount of people in at once. Good luck and keep safe!
– Hannah |
HannahI’m glad they are implementing safe distance measures like that! You keep safe as well!
Ashly Edmiston
Great tips! I been doing the sanitizer as soon as I get back in my car. I was thinking about how many people touch stuff they don’t need in the stores, and wiping down everything is a good idea.
Ashly EdmistonI’m glad you found something helpful!! Stay safe!
These are great tips! I’m glad to say that I have done all of these in hopes of protecting ourselves when I go shopping – especially the santizing my groceries! I immediately sanitize the bags, the products, and wash the produce before we place it into our fridge just in case. It’s a lot of work, but it’s what we have to do to try to flatten the curve and stay healthy. Thanks for sharing these!
RoIt’s all so tedious but so necessary!
Thanks for the tips! I’m going to give the disinfectant wipe DIY a try!!
PattiPlease do! And let me know how they turn out on Twitter if you have one – @callmeaysiab
I agree with all of these lists!! This isn’t the time to roam around stores. You need to do a one pass on each aisle and minimalize contact if possible! I avoid touching my phone when I am in the store. You can’t trust the outside source and it is important to sanitize before going to the car, home, and your phone! Thanks for sharing and stay safe!
Nancy ♥
NancySo glad to hear you’re already aware of what you need to do stay safe!
Lauren Mikael
I have been using instacart to do my shopping for me, I sanitize them after they get delivered to me and just wash my hands well after I get finished putting them away. Sometimes instacart can cost a little more than going to the store yourself, but with what has been going on lately I feel like it’s worth it…plus with me being in a wheelchair, it makes everything so much easier.
Lauren MikaelYes I know many people who are using delivery services when they can! I’m glad it is useful for you
Miss Lady
We take these same steps. Whatever we can do to be preventative is well worth it. The cellphone is the most overlooked. Thank you for pointing that out.
Miss LadyYep that dang on phone was my number one problem lol!
Yes the phones be just as dirty as the virus sometimes lol, and love the tips on making grocery lists and thanks for the links to making masks and where to find stuff during COVID, keep it up!
KadijahYes that phone be having me caught up, I’m glad you found my post useful!!
Caleb Harris
I will keep this mind the next time I shop!
Caleb HarrisPlease do!
These are awesome tips. Many we are following already. I make my husband get into the shower after a trip to the grocery store. Thanks for sharing these.
NatalieYes I hop directly in there!
Thank you for the clear and helpful tips!
This is a great blog post! I honestly can’t wait for everything to get back to normal. I’ve also been a germaphobe and cognizant of germs while outside but sheesh this is so overwhelming lol. Hope everyone is staying safe!
ZaynahNo like I’m tired of cleaning dang!!! I hope you’re staying safe as well
Stephanie Jeannot
I try to stick to a list because I think it’s important to carry it. The problem is that I get everything but what’s on that list. Smh! I never get it right.
Stephanie Jeannot
I try to stick to a list because I think it’s important to carry it. The problem is that I get everything but what’s on that list. Smh! I never get it right. Lol!
Stephanie JeannotLol Target try to catch me slipping but I just gotta stay focused! I may get food I don’t really need from time to time!
These are some great tips. I totally agree with everything, when it comes to my gloves I normally put hand sanitizer on after I touch whatever I need to touch. But, I’m definitely cautious of what I touch when I don’t. Thanks for sharing!
AliyaI’m glad you are already taking such precautions!
Some great advice – thank you for sharing! Stay safe!
I read an article saying that sanitizing your groceries isn’t necessary because the chances of getting the virus are very, very low. It also talked about the food packaging not being designed to be sanitized. I say this, while also wiping down everything that comes in my house. Have you heard anything about its effectiveness?
AmyI did read that it is a low risk of contracting the virus when in contact with groceries, but it’s like what if someone sneezed on this package of bread and I am now touching it, so I’d rather just sterilize it ALL lol
Whatever the situation is, groceries are compulsory… You made easier for people how to do this… Quite informative..
I needed to see this today. Although I think people are finding social distancing thing difficult as I get mad every time people enter my personal space. My boyfriend and I are alternating trips so I only have to go once every 2 weeks.
Anna Elle Liz
It’s like you read my mind with these tips! My mom and I practice all of these! We usually try and divide and conquer to get it done quicker!
Something I thought works is if you are wearing gloves, you can use sanitizer on the gloves if you need to touch something or blow your nose (especially if you have bad allergies)!
Thanks for the helpful tips!
great tips! crazy times calls for crazier measures… hope this passes soon.
Great info! I love all the research and thought you put into it.
Britt K
I can’t understand why the concept of social distancing seems to be so challenging for some. My husband has been doing all our shopping recently. He was telling me that he asked someone to back up after they were basically right on top of him in line and they got mad at him for it!
Jenni @ I on Image
Good tips! I am trying to get as much online as possible but sometimes I still need to pop out to get something. Still want to be safe of course so thank you for writing this!
Jenni @ I on ImageI’m glad this was helpful!
Wow, what a great post; excellent job! This is the most comprehensive – and entertaining! – discussion of grocery shopping during COVID-19. I do all of these things as well except for wiping down my groceries, which I will now start doing thanks to you.
Thank you so much for all that you do! 🙂
KalliYay I’m so glad that you enjoyed my post!
Diane Anderson
Great tips! When I realized that gloves were actually worse, I ditched them. I have not ditched my phone yet, because that is where I keep my grocery list. But I do sanitize it as often as I can. My friend just mailed me 3 masks that I received today. So, I can start using them on my next trip into town. One other thing I have been doing is I try to grab my items from the back if I can without touching anything else. I figure most people touch only the stuff in the front.
Diane AndersonThat’s really smart to grab things from the back!
Great tips! I am a germaphobe so this virus is driving me nuts! I even wipe my groceries down! Continue to safe!
AlyssaAlmost everyone is a certified germaphobe now lol! I hope you continue to be safe as well.
This is such a great resource! You provided some really great tips
I keep my shopping list on my phone using an app, but I always spray it down when I get home. I have a list and I still take longer than planned sometimes lol. For the most part, though, I make quick trips. I miss just being able to stroll through with my friends just because.
DeandraI feel you! I miss spending leisure time in Target so bad
Loved it! Funny and informative! Well done!
Ny Wesley
Great tips! As a grocery store lover, I hate shopping right now! It’s just too stressful lol.